Monday, March 21, 2011

Vocab and Spelling Words March 21-25

inevitable – It is bound to happen; it is going to happen, there is no stopping it. Even though I am praying every night that summer vacation won’t end, it is inevitable that the next school year will start in one week.

oust – to reject, force out, or banish. The landlord ousted the tenant from the house when he didn’t pay his rent.

somber - depressing, dark, gloomy; You will find that most everyone who attends a funeral wears somber clothing, generally black or gray.

dilemma – a problem or predicament; a difficult situation where one must choose between two choices. John faced the dilemma of either losing his job or taking a pay cut.

intervene – to come between. Referees intervene between player disputes.

alleviate – to relieve or lessen the pain, stress, or fear; I am going to take some Tylenol to alleviate my headache.

melancholy– gloomy, weary; Farmer Brown was beset with melancholy when he saw what the worms had done to his melon patch.

fickle – often changing for no reason; Pregnant women are very fickle; one moment they want ice cream, the next, pickles.

Spelling Words
1. spirits
2. annoy
3. fight
4. casual
5. favorite
6. absurd
7. ridiculous
8. attract
9. dentist
10. different
11. usually
12. caught
13. cot
14. rebel
15. laughter
16. Thanksgiving
17. Christmas
18. Halloween
19. Valentine’s Day
20. Easter

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