Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Vocab words Sept 28 - Oct 2

You will have to know BOTH definitions to these words because they can be used as both nouns and verbs!

feast - a large meal AND to eat a large meal

fool - a person who does not have good sense and can be tricked easily AND to trick someone

guarantee - a promise of quality AND when we promise something will work as it should

scout - a person sent to find information AND when you look for something

shiver - a small shaking movement we make because we are cold or afraid

vow - a solemn promise AND to make a solemn promise

wrench - a tool for gripping and turning objects AND to pull or turn suddenly

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Quest Atlantis

We will start Quest Atlantis soon, so if you do not know what this program entails, you can check out the following website!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Vocab words Sept 21-25

commonplace - ordinary and uninteresting

enclose - to put something in a closed place

magnificent - excellent or wonderful

nomad - a person or animal who moves from place to place in search of food

plea - an urgent request or call for help

roam - to wander or travel around from place to place without a plan

ruefully - done with regret or sorrow

stealthily - done in a quiet, secret manner

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Get Nebraska 50,000 new books!

Go to this website and vote on the book that got you "hooked" and chose Nebraska to get 50,000 new books for children in need! We need your help!


Vocab Review

This week our vocab test will be a review of the past three weeks. That means there will be 24 words and I need the definitions to each word. There will also be bonus words. (Hint: Remember the bonus words from the past :) Good luck!

I have two lists below, but here is the last list, so all 24 words should now be on my blog!

elaborate - complicated and has lots of parts or details

emanciated - person or animal that is very skinny from starvation

exquisite - something very beautiful and fine

fragile - easily broken or hurt

homely - ugly or not attractive

lanky - tall and thin

spotless - very clean

tattered - torn, old, and ragged

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vocabulary words Sept 7-11

plaza - public square in a town or shopping center

dusk -the time of evening just before darkness

gloomy - darkened without much light; sad person

hamlet - small town or village

looming - something appearing to be large or frightening

lush - filed with thick, healthy, pentiful plant life

ravine - a deep narrow valley

vegetation - plant life

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lake Maloney Fifth Grade 2009-2010

Here are some pictures of my class this year! They were feeling really goofy that day! :)

Subjects and Predicates

We are working on subjects and predicates in class. Encourage your child to practice on some of these sites for review!





Vocab words Aug 31 - Sept 1

Here are the vocab words for this week. You must know how to spell them and their definitions.

honorable: a person that has high moral standards and deserves respect

solemn: to be serious in manner

odious: hateful or to do something to cause hate

ill-informed: to not have enough information or the wrong information

well-informed: to have the correct information

shrewd: to be clever in useful ways

frustrated: to be upset or prevented from reaching your goals

desperate: to want something so bad you are hopeless