Monday, February 28, 2011

Vocab words Feb 28 - Mar 4

zany – crazy or silly; I always knew that my zany friend would grow up to become a professional clown.

nonchalantly – casual and calm; The millionaire nonchalantly wrote a check for $50,000 .

shenanigans - mischief, pranks, and trickery; The two little boys were always getting into trouble for the shenanigans they pulled.

ludicrous – ridiculous and absurd; It was ludicrous to think that a two year old could know their multiplication facts.

exuberance – very excited, with high spirits and enthusiasm; You could see the exuberance in his wide smile after he received a perfect score on his math test.

maraud – to invade, roam, or attack in search of goods or loot; During the revolt in the city, the stores were marauded by thieves.

ecstatic – showing or feeling great enthusiasm or delight; The young man was so ecstatic after winning his wrestling match, he jumped in the air and did a back flip.

retaliate – to fight back; If someone is picking on you, it is best to tell an adult instead of retaliating.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hi Fifth Grade!

Hi guys! I am so sorry I have been sick these last few days! Trust me, you wouldn't want me at school! I have never felt this sick in a LONG time! I have strep throat and will hopefully be back tomorrow, but we will see. I went to the doctor yesterday and they put me on an antibiotic, so hopefully that kicks in! Please be good for the substitute! Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vocab Feb 14-18

lesion – wound or injury. When a person has a lesion, even a small one that won’t heal, it is time to see a doctor.

fathom – to fully understand; The jury found it hard to fathom how the defendant could commit such a terrible crime.

badger - to tease and annoy persistently; Sadly, the school bully badgered Ron endlessly, making him scared to walk on school grounds.

entice – to attract or tempt; the delicious aroma of a hamburger stand often entices the passerby to stop for a snack..

gloat – to brag greatly; The girl felt silly after gloating so much after her team won their first basketball game of the day, because the next game they played, they lost by 35 points.

chasm – a deep opening in the Earth’s surface; a gorge; The Grand Canyon is one of the biggest chasms in the world..

karma – fate or destiny or to detect good or bad vibrations from someone; All his life he had a bad karma following him around, because it seemed like every other month he was in the hospital for a broken limb or an illness.

consensus – general agreement; The consensus of the of the students was that the cafeteria would serve no more chili dogs.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our class in the newspaper as well!

Click here to read the newspaper article about our class's fine dining experience!

Check out our class on TV!

Click here to watch our fine dining segment from KNOP TV.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vocab words Feb 7-11

migratory – roving or wandering. Fruit pickers are migratory workers who move from place to place at harvesting time.

reminisce – the act or practice of recalling the past; Sometime I lie back and listen to the music of the 1960s and reminisce about when I was a child.

opportune - Occurring or coming at a good time; Mrs. Childs, our teacher, said the weekend before our final exam was an opportune time for last minute studying.

girth – the distance around something; to encircle; the girth of the planet Earth is about twenty-five thousand miles..

harrowing – extremely distressed; disturbing or frightening; After the harrowing experience when Eddie’s main parachute didn’t open, and his emergency chute saved his life only at the last minute, he vowed never to jump again.

endure – to carry on through despite hardships or to put up with; Settlers in the 1800s endured many hardships such as harsh winters, diseases, and animal attacks on their way to California.

chronic – continuing for a long time – continuous; George was a chronic complainer, he never saw the positive side of anything. When lower back pain becomes chronic, it’s time to see a doctor.

accolade – an award, an honor; approval, praise; The accolades she received for making the Olympic Swim Team quickly went to her head and she began boasting about her accomplishment all around town.