Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vocab Words for Review Test on February 26

submarine - a ship that can go under water

submerged - entirely under water

subservient - under another person's control; to be required to obey someone's orders

subterranean - is beneath the ground or hidden and secret

superfluous - is extra, or more than what is needed

superheated - is very, very hot

superimposed - has been placed over something else

illegal - not lawful

illogical - does not make sense

immodest - to show off; to be boastful

immovable - cannot be moved or changed

immune - to not be affected by it or resistant to it

imperfection - a defect or flaw making something not perfect

improper - not suitable

intolerable - cannot be tolerated and is unbearable

unicellular - living thing that has only one cell

unique - there is nothing else like it; it is special

universe - consists of everything that exists, including the stars and planets

bicentennial - two-hundredth anniversary of an event

trilogy - a set of three books, plays, stories, or films that are related in subject or theme

triple - three times as many or made up of three parts

trivial - is not important

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hi Fifth Grade!

Hey everyone! I will be back tomorrow! Thanks for hanging in their with me when I need to be home with my mom. I hope yesterday went well, and please continue to behave today!

I posted a new vocabulary game to the right. It is fairly simple to begin, but then it gets challenging! See what level you can get to without losing your lives. If you don't know the words, look them up on the Internet and then try to choose the right one to go into the sentence!

I also posted a new math game, tackle math football! I think that you boys will especially like this. It has the Steelers ranked higher than the Cowboys, which bothers me a little, but notice Kort and Will, where the Broncos are ranked! :)

Have fun and I will see you tomorrow!