Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vocab Words Sept 27 - Oct 1

feast - a large meal or to eat a large meal

fool - a person who does not have good sense and is easy to trick

guarantee - a promise of quality or to swear something will work as it should

marvel - something wonderful that surprises us or to express surprise or wonder

scout - a person sent to find out information or to look for something

shiver - a small shaking movement we make because we are cold or afraid

vow - a solemn promise

wrench - a tool for gripping or turning objects or to pull or turn suddenly

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Vocab Words Sept 20 - 24

commonplace - ordinary and uninteresting

enclose - to put something in a closed place

magnificent - excellent or wonderful

nomad - a person who moves from place to place in search of food

plea - urgent request or call for help

roam - wander or travel around from place to place without a plan

ruefully - done with regret or sorrow

stealthily - done in a secret, quiet manner

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vocab Words: Sept 6 - 10

dusk - the time of evening just before dark

gloomy - a place with very little light or a sad person

hamlet - a small town or village

looming - appears to be large and frightening

lush - thick, plentiful plant life

plaza - a public square in a town or city or a shopping center

ravine - a deep, narrow gorge or valley

vegetation - plant life

Vocab Words Aug 30 - Sept 3

desperate - to need or want something so much you are almost hopeless

frustrated - to be discouraged or prevented from reaching a goal

honorable - a person with high moral standards that deserves respect

ill-informed - does not have enough or has the wrong information

odious - a person or thing that causes or deserves hate

shrewd - clever

solemn - serious

well-informed - having correct information

Website for Sept 9
