Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vocab Words Oct 25-29

abolish - to end rules, laws, or something in government

appointed - to be chosen or assigned a job by someone else

apprentice - a person who learns to do a job by working with someone skilled in the job

carriage - a wagon, usually pulled by horses, used to carry people

elected - to be chosen by vote for a job or office

prosperous - to have wealth, or money, and is successful

rebellion - an uprising, takes place when people fight against their own government

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vocab words October 4-8

arm - upper limb of the body connecting the hand and wrist to the shoulder or to carry or supply with weapons

charge - a price or to rush forward

dash - run quickly or to destroy hopes

depression - a low spot or hollow surrounded by higher places or a state of feeling sad

gorge - a narrow valley surrounded by steep walls or to stuff oneself with food

roll - turn over and over or a continuous series of beats on a drum

skirt - a piece of clothing that hangs from the waist or to move around the edge of something

yarn - a thick strand of twisted thread used in knitting and weaving or a long exaggerated story