Monday, November 8, 2010

Vocab Words Nov. 8 - Nov.12

myth - a traditional legend or story about ancestors, heros, or gods.

fate - an outcome that has been decided upon ahead of time.

immortal - someone who lives forever

invincible - someone who cannot be defeated

mortal - someone who cannot live forever

psyche - a person's state of mind or spirit.

realm - the land, kingdon, that a king or queen rules

timeless - something that is not affected by time and seems to last forever

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vocab Words Oct 25-29

abolish - to end rules, laws, or something in government

appointed - to be chosen or assigned a job by someone else

apprentice - a person who learns to do a job by working with someone skilled in the job

carriage - a wagon, usually pulled by horses, used to carry people

elected - to be chosen by vote for a job or office

prosperous - to have wealth, or money, and is successful

rebellion - an uprising, takes place when people fight against their own government

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vocab words October 4-8

arm - upper limb of the body connecting the hand and wrist to the shoulder or to carry or supply with weapons

charge - a price or to rush forward

dash - run quickly or to destroy hopes

depression - a low spot or hollow surrounded by higher places or a state of feeling sad

gorge - a narrow valley surrounded by steep walls or to stuff oneself with food

roll - turn over and over or a continuous series of beats on a drum

skirt - a piece of clothing that hangs from the waist or to move around the edge of something

yarn - a thick strand of twisted thread used in knitting and weaving or a long exaggerated story

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vocab Words Sept 27 - Oct 1

feast - a large meal or to eat a large meal

fool - a person who does not have good sense and is easy to trick

guarantee - a promise of quality or to swear something will work as it should

marvel - something wonderful that surprises us or to express surprise or wonder

scout - a person sent to find out information or to look for something

shiver - a small shaking movement we make because we are cold or afraid

vow - a solemn promise

wrench - a tool for gripping or turning objects or to pull or turn suddenly

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Vocab Words Sept 20 - 24

commonplace - ordinary and uninteresting

enclose - to put something in a closed place

magnificent - excellent or wonderful

nomad - a person who moves from place to place in search of food

plea - urgent request or call for help

roam - wander or travel around from place to place without a plan

ruefully - done with regret or sorrow

stealthily - done in a secret, quiet manner

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vocab Words: Sept 6 - 10

dusk - the time of evening just before dark

gloomy - a place with very little light or a sad person

hamlet - a small town or village

looming - appears to be large and frightening

lush - thick, plentiful plant life

plaza - a public square in a town or city or a shopping center

ravine - a deep, narrow gorge or valley

vegetation - plant life

Vocab Words Aug 30 - Sept 3

desperate - to need or want something so much you are almost hopeless

frustrated - to be discouraged or prevented from reaching a goal

honorable - a person with high moral standards that deserves respect

ill-informed - does not have enough or has the wrong information

odious - a person or thing that causes or deserves hate

shrewd - clever

solemn - serious

well-informed - having correct information

Website for Sept 9

Monday, August 23, 2010

Vocab words for August 23 - 27

elaborate - is complicated and has lots of parts or details

emaciated - a person or animal is very thin from starvation

exquisite - very fine and beautiful

fragile - is easily broken or hurt

homely - ugly or not attractive

lanky - tall and thin

spotless - very clean

tattered - is torn, old, and ragged

Monday, June 28, 2010

It's going to be a boy!

Hey everyone! I know it took me a while to get this posted, but my baby is going to be a boy! No names yet....he is still due October 26. I hope all of you are enjoying your summer!

Mrs. Braithwait

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vocab Words May 3-7

ambition - a desire to achieve or do something

amble - to walk around slowly

amphibian - an animal that lives both on land and in water

circuitous - a route that is not direct, but is roundabout

circulate - to move around in a circle

circumference - the distance around a circle

cycle - a series of events that repeats, or goes around, many times

encircle - to put a circle around

Friday, April 16, 2010

Vocab words April 19-23

transaction - an act, especially in business, done between, or "across" people

transcontinental - crossing a continent

transform - something is to change its form or appearance

transfusion - transfer of something, such as blood, from one person or thing into another

transition - process of passing, or going across, from one activity or place to another

translate - to take something from one language and express it in another

transplant - move something that is planted in one place to another place

transport - carry something from one place to another

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vocab Words April 12-16

disadvantage - an unfavorable condition; a condition that makes things harder

disagreeable - unpleasant

disaster - a calamity or terrible event that causes suffering

discharge - to release, get rid of, or send away

discomfort - opposite of comfort or ease

discontent - a feeling of not being happy or satisfied

discouraged - to lose hope or confidence

disgrace - loss of honor or respect; a disgrace brings shame

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Vocab words for Review Test on April 9th

observant - to careful notice things

prying - snoops into things that should be private

youthful - young and energetic

immature - childish and self-centered

fearless - brave and does not feel fear

reckless - careless and takes stupid or silly risks

determined - is serious and dedicated to achieving a goal

stubborn - not willing to give in or change

academic - referring to school subjects or knowledge

colossal - huge

Herculean - a task requiring great strength and effort

mentor - a wise, trusted advisor, counselor, or teacher

Midas Touch - to be able to make money easily

odyssey - a long, adventurous journey

panic - a feeling of sudden and extreme fear

skeptical - doubtful

The other words you need to know are below....the proverbs....GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Measuring Angles

Since we are just learning how to use protractors, I found this awesome site with an interactive protractor so that you can practice measuring angles!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vocab words for April 1st

Instead of vocab words this week, we are going to learn proverbs! You need to be able to spell "proverb" and define the word, and for the others, I will give you the proverb, and you will need to write down what it means.

proverb - a short, common, wise saying that gives advice or states a rule about life.

Birds of a feather flock together - people with similar personalities or interests tend to spend time together.

Don't judge a book by its cover - don't judge people or things by their appearances.

Great oaks from little acorns grow - large or great things often start out small.

Look before you leap - you should consider carefully what might happen before you do something.

Never leave till tomorrow that which you can do today - do things as soon as you can.

Small strokes fell great oaks - steady, small actions will eventually accomplish something big.

A stitch in time saves nine - if you repair things as soon as possible, you can avoid having to fix a bigger problem later.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Everyone has a strength!

Go here, take a multiple intelligence test, and work on your strengths!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vocab Words for Review Test on February 26

submarine - a ship that can go under water

submerged - entirely under water

subservient - under another person's control; to be required to obey someone's orders

subterranean - is beneath the ground or hidden and secret

superfluous - is extra, or more than what is needed

superheated - is very, very hot

superimposed - has been placed over something else

illegal - not lawful

illogical - does not make sense

immodest - to show off; to be boastful

immovable - cannot be moved or changed

immune - to not be affected by it or resistant to it

imperfection - a defect or flaw making something not perfect

improper - not suitable

intolerable - cannot be tolerated and is unbearable

unicellular - living thing that has only one cell

unique - there is nothing else like it; it is special

universe - consists of everything that exists, including the stars and planets

bicentennial - two-hundredth anniversary of an event

trilogy - a set of three books, plays, stories, or films that are related in subject or theme

triple - three times as many or made up of three parts

trivial - is not important

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hi Fifth Grade!

Hey everyone! I will be back tomorrow! Thanks for hanging in their with me when I need to be home with my mom. I hope yesterday went well, and please continue to behave today!

I posted a new vocabulary game to the right. It is fairly simple to begin, but then it gets challenging! See what level you can get to without losing your lives. If you don't know the words, look them up on the Internet and then try to choose the right one to go into the sentence!

I also posted a new math game, tackle math football! I think that you boys will especially like this. It has the Steelers ranked higher than the Cowboys, which bothers me a little, but notice Kort and Will, where the Broncos are ranked! :)

Have fun and I will see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lake's Fifth Graders Publish Book Reviews!

Our fifth grade class made book reviews of their favorite books. I think they turned out really neat. Watch the viedos below and check them out for yourself!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Vocab words Jan 25 - 29

incessant - not stopping; continuing without interruption

grimace - an ugly frown made because of disapproval or pain

confine - to keep something in a small place

sear - to burn or scorch painfully

devastate - to upset or totally ruin

corrosive - hurtful like a harsh chemical

impair - to make or cause to become worse

vital - extremely important

Friday, January 15, 2010

Vocab words Jan 18 - 22

1. bluff - a broad (wide) high, steep cliff

2. dormant - not active or not in use

3. gingerly - in a very cautious, gentle, or careful way

4. shallows - areas of water where it is not deep

5. consume - to eat or drink something

6. abdomen - the part of the body that contains the stomach

7. exasperate - to make someone angry or frustrated by repeatedly doing something annoying

8. finicky - difficult to please; fussy, picky