Monday, February 28, 2011

Vocab words Feb 28 - Mar 4

zany – crazy or silly; I always knew that my zany friend would grow up to become a professional clown.

nonchalantly – casual and calm; The millionaire nonchalantly wrote a check for $50,000 .

shenanigans - mischief, pranks, and trickery; The two little boys were always getting into trouble for the shenanigans they pulled.

ludicrous – ridiculous and absurd; It was ludicrous to think that a two year old could know their multiplication facts.

exuberance – very excited, with high spirits and enthusiasm; You could see the exuberance in his wide smile after he received a perfect score on his math test.

maraud – to invade, roam, or attack in search of goods or loot; During the revolt in the city, the stores were marauded by thieves.

ecstatic – showing or feeling great enthusiasm or delight; The young man was so ecstatic after winning his wrestling match, he jumped in the air and did a back flip.

retaliate – to fight back; If someone is picking on you, it is best to tell an adult instead of retaliating.

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